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Adult Improv Classes
Mondays March 10 - April 7th
Please see this PDF for details
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Drinking Habits
by Tom Smith
Accusations, mistaken identities, & romances run wild in this traditional,
laugh-out-loud farce. Two nuns at the Sisters of Perpetual Sewing have
been secretly making wine to keep the convent'a doors open, but Paul &
Sally, reporters former fiancées, are hot on their trail. They go undercover
as a nun and priest, but their presence, combined with the addition of a new
nun, spurs paranoia throughout the convent that spies have been sent from
Rome to shut them down. Wine & secrets are inevitably spilled as everyone
tries to preserve the convent & reconnect with lost loves.
Performances May 10, 11, 17, and 18
Interested in acting? Call 252-426-5102 or email
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